Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So much to catch up on...

Well don't I suck at blogging. It's been close to a month since I've written. This isn't because nothing has happened but because I've been so busy with this and that. First, happy belated birthdays go out to Jeremy Budinsky and Tony Lewis. Second, working frantically on a World Religions paper sucks. Third, who in their right mind goes for a smoke ride on route 40? Fourth, a vacation in Virginia Beach was a great time to clear my mind. Finally, Brett Favre is a Jet?
Budinsky, I know it's been nearly 2 weeks since we celebrated your b-day at Matrix but it's about time I commented on it. It was seriously a kick ass time and I think I speak for T-Lew as well. Hope you enjoyed it. Enjoy your bottle of Jager and tell Mia, Amanda, and Kae I said hello when you get the chance. For everyone reading this, Jeremy Budinsky turned 21 and did it in great fashion. The man knows how to drink a 3 wise men. Tony, sorry I missed your b-day, hope the 3 wise men and Jager bomb made up for it.
Ok, now on the world religions paper. You know, we live in such an ethnocentric society. For a world religions paper, I had to read 3 books from a list of like 10 or so. I picked Malcolm X, Gandhi, and Siddhartha. I'm going to focus on Malcolm X and Gandhi for this. I had no clue anything about either of these men prior. I heard their names and had an idea of what they stood for, but at the end of the day I feel enlightened. The message of many religions is similar, but we may have different practices and ways of interpreting holy writings. This is how holy wars begin. To make a long story short, I think if we all just listened, things would be much better. Writing the 8 page paper sucked, but I am happy that I had the opportunity to learn about cultures different than mine.
Ok, smoke ride on route 40... No, I was not a part of it if that's what you were thinking. This is more of just a random comical story that I feel like I need to tell. So, I'm driving back to Uniontown from Cal U. I see this car in front of me all swerving around. Then, this car drives off the road and swerves around more. Now, I'm riding with my windows down jamming to whatever is on the radio. I'm beginning to smell something that I think is a skunk at first. Well, the more I drive I smell this aroma getting stronger and stronger. Finally, I come to the realization that smell is marijuana. Then, I'm stuck a stop light behind this car and see them passing a cigarette looking object around to one another. They were obviously trying to be conspicuous, but it was pretty obvious. Now, I'm not an advocate of marijuana use by any means. I just want to say that going on a smoke ride on route 40 heading towards Uniontown (and actually passing restaurant row and the Uniontown Mall in the process) in the middle of the day is not the best idea. Now, there are back country roads. I'm sure there are better places than route 40, but there are worse too. To those 4 in the car in front of me on that day, thanks for the minor second hand buzz, I guess.
Now, if you're still reading my ramblings, I'm going to move on to my Virginia Beach vacation. Going into the trip, I thought the highlight of it would be parasailing. While that was fun, it was not the highlight. The highlight was really getting away from it all. It was just a refreshing trip to just relax near the ocean, have some good dinners (much props go out to the ribs at Jake's, the crab cakes at Waterman's, and everything at Captain George's seafood buffet), and just time to think and not to worry. I worry so much about where my future is heading. I worry I won't find a job. I worry I'm going to be alone for the rest of my life. I worry because I feel like I need to make some sort of move or some sort of change immediately. Well, I do. When something isn't working, it's just not working. That doesn't mean that you have to make something happen. It just means you have to be patient and do what makes YOU happy. YOU'RE the one that's going to have to live with your decisions for the rest of YOUR life. Pictures from the trip are below.
BRETT FAVRE IS A JET!?!?! Ok, I'll keep this brief. Basically, I shouted "NOOOO!!!" when I turned on the tv that fateful morning. The more I thought about it, I realized it's not a bad deal for Favre. He has a good offensive line in front of him, decent recievers, and a translator of the Green Bay offense to the Jets offense in Bubba Franks. I think Brett will be fine. If you're wondering where my heart is now, then think of it this way, it's kind of like when you have a second child. The Packers are still my team, but I have another one too in the Jets. There's enough of my love to go around for both.

In conclusion: GO PACKERS and J-E-T-S, JETS! JETS! JETS!

Enjoy the Pictures:

The entire family minus Pam Korona who took the picture

On the boat before I parasail

Just before I leave to parasail

The man to the right looks alot like Dennis Alexander

..and finally up in the air

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