Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Dark Knight for Best Picture Oscar?

Ok, ok, so I know what you're thinking: "Let's not get ahead of ourselves here." Yes, it is a VERY outside chance for The Dark Knight to be nominated for Best Picture, but I feel it is deserving. Of course, pencil it in for the usual nominations that go to action movies, such as sound editing and sound mixing. The beautiful part about The Dark Knight is that it is so much more than a comic book superhero film. Behind "the mask," if you will, lies a well written and directed crime drama with believable characters the audience actually cares about. So, let's take a closer look at the crime drama aspect of the film. First, the cinematography was mesmerizing. Batman Begins received a nom for its cinematography, so I think this is an Oscar that TDK can realistically take home this year. Then, there's Heath Ledger. All of the reviews on his performance are true. He deserves an Oscar nom for Best Supporting Actor. No, it has nothing to do with his death. Personally, I'm not a big fan of Heath Ledger. When they casted him for the Joker, I said "You mean that gay guy from Brokeback Mountain?" I was wrong, however, as he embodies the role of the Joker in TDK. I did not feel that I was watching Heath Ledger as the Joker, but as if I was watching only the Joker. I saw no traces of Ledger in this performance. The music was great and I've read that a lot of critics agree with me on that. Maybe a nom for Best Score? Let's face it; Chris Nolan deserves a nom for his directing. He probably won't get it here, but you never know. So, let's recap the Oscar nominations I feel this movie deserves: Sound editing, Sound mixing, Cinematography, Best Supporting Actor for Heath Ledger, Best Score, Best Director, and since we're nominating it for all that let's throw in Best Picture. Come Oscar time, we'll be talking about Oscar snubs and TDK will undoubtedly be mentioned. What do I think it may realistically get noms for? Sound editing, Sound mixing, Cinematography, and Best Score. As much as I think Ledger deserves not only a nom but a win for Best Supporting Actor, I just have a feeling he won't get it.

So you may ask, "Why all this Oscar talk now? It's July." Well, my friends, I promised a review on TDK. It took me a couple of days to write it because the film itself left me speechless. I figured if I wrote a review I'd end up giving out spoilers. All I'm going to say is that it surpasses all the hype and you need to see it for yourself.

So, like I said TDK was amazing. It's even more amazing when you go with a guy dressed up like the Joker. I had the opportunity to see TDK in iMax at the Pittsburgh Mills with two of my best friends from home, Damon Hardin and Randy Straitiff. What I've learned? First, if you wear face paint in the mall, security will be on edge the whole time watching you. Second, you're not allowed to wear face paint in the mall. Finally, if you come to TDK dressed like the Joker and are forced to stand in front of the theater for two hours because you're not allowed in the mall with face paint, people will, in fact, want their picture taken with you. As I waited anxiously outside the iMax for TDK like a child on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa Clause, I got my entertainment by watching random people get their picture taken with Straitiff.

...also, here is the Joker playing DDR. This is one of my personal favorites.

...And finally Damon, Straitiff as the Joker, and me after watching easily the best movie of the summer.

...Final thoughts: The Dark Knight is definitely a masterpiece. It's not flawless, but it does set the bar for comic book movies. As of today, The Dark Knight is #1 on IMDB's top 250 list with a 9.7 rating. Keep in mind it is above movies like The Godfather and The Shawshank Redemption which is impressive. Now, all we can do is hope and wait for the Nolan brothers to write and direct a third installment in this Batman series.

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